
August 1995


The purpose of these reports is to communicate to the Internet Research
Group the accomplishments, milestones reached, or problems discovered by
the participating organizations.

     This report is for Internet information purposes only, and is not
     to be quoted in other publications without permission from the

Each organization is expected to submit a 1/2 page report on the first
business day of the month describing the previous month's activities.

These reports should be submitted via network mail to "IMR@ISI.EDU".

Requests to be added or deleted from the Internet Monthly report list
should be sent to "imr-request@isi.edu".

The current IMR, or back issues, can be found at:


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Internet Monthly Report                                      August 1995



     IAB MESSAGE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 3
     INTERNET RESEARCH REPORTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 3
     INTERNET ENGINEERING REPORTS  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 3

  Internet Projects

     INTERNIC. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 10
       Registration Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 10
       Directory Services. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 11
       US Domain Registry. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 12
     MERIT/NSFNET ENGINEERING. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 14
     UCL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 15

  CALENDAR OF EVENTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 17
    TERENA List of Meetings. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 21

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Internet Monthly Report                                      August 1995


     The minutes of the IAB back to 1990 are available for anonymous ftp
     access on host ftp.isi.edu, directory /pub/IAB, or via the IAB
     World-Wide Web> page with URL http://www.iab.org/iab/.

     Brian Carpenter IAB Chair



     1. Let me remind everyone that the next IETF meeting will be in
        Dallas, Texas from December 4-8, 1995, with the Newcomers'
        Orientation and Registration Reception being held on Sunday,
        December 3. The Dallas IETF meeting is being hosted by MCI.
        Logistic information will be posted to the IETF Announcement
        list when the Secretariat is begins accepting registrations. The
        IETF meeting fee for the Dallas meeting will be $200.

        Following Dallas, the IETF will be meeting in Los Angeles,
        California from March 4-8, 1996. There will not be a local host
        for this meeting, but the terminal room facilities will be
        provided by Interop. Following Los Angeles, the IETF will be
        meeting in Montreal, Ontario, Canada from June 24-28, 1996. If
        this date looks familiar, that's because this is the same date
        and location as INET '96! Both groups will be meeting in the
        Montreal Convention Center, albeit separately. The one exception
        is the terminal room which will be shared by both INET and IETF
        meeting attendees. The terminal room facilities are being
        provided by INET.

        Once all the arrangements have been made, notifications will be
        sent to the IETF Announcement list. Remember that information
        on future IETF meetings can be always be found in the file
        0mtg-sites.txt which is located on the IETF shadow directories.
        This information can also be viewed from the IETF Home Page on
        the Web. The URL is:


     2. The minutes of the IESG teleconferences have been publicly
        available on the IETF Shadow directories since 1991. These files
        are placed in the /ftp/iesg directory.

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Internet Monthly Report                                      August 1995

        The following IESG minutes have been added:

           July 6, 1995 (iesg.95-07-06)
           August 3, 1995 (iesg.95-08-03)
           August 17, 1995 (iesg.95-08-17)

     3. The IESG approved or recommended the following seven Protocol
        Actions during the month of August, 1995:

        o  Accounting Meter Services MIB be published as an Experimental

        o  Multimedia E-mail (MIME) User Agent Checklist be published
           as an Informational RFC.

        o  The Opstat Client-Server Model for Statistics Retrieval be
           published as an Informational RFC.

        o  A Model for Common Operational Statistics be published as an
           Informational RFC.

        o  SMTP 521 reply code be published as an Experimental Protocol.

        o  Accounting: Usage Reporting Architecture be published as an
           Experimental Protocol.

        o  SMTP Service Extension for Checkpoint/Restart be published
           as an Experimental Protocol.

     4. The IESG issued seven Last Calls to the IETF during the month
        of August, 1995:

        o   A BGP/IDRP Route Server alternative to a full mesh routing
           <draft-haskin-bgp-idrp-mesh-routing-01> for consideration as
           an Experimental Protocol.

        o  Addendum to RFC 1602 -- Variance Procedure
           <draft-postel-variance-00> for consideration as an
           Informational RFC.

        o  RIPng for IPv6 <draft-ietf-rip-riping-01> for consideration
           as a Proposed Standard.

        o  Guidelines for creation, selection, and registration of an
           Autonomous System (AS) <draft-ietf-idr-autosys-guide-03> for
           consideration as a Best Current Practices status.

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Internet Monthly Report                                      August 1995

        o  RTP Profile for Audio and Video Conferences with Minimal
           Control <draft-ietf-avt-profile-05> for consideration as a
           Proposed Standard.

        o  RTP payload format for H.261 video streams
           <draft-ietf-avt-h261-01> for consideration as a Proposed

        o  SMTP Service Extension for Command Pipelining
           <draft-ietf-mailext-pipeline-03> for consideration as a
           Proposed Standard.

     5. One Working Group was created during this period:

           Receipt Notifications for Internet Mail (receipt)

      And two working groups were concluded:

           Network Information Services Infrastructure (nisi)
           Operational Statistics (opstat)

     6. A total of 63 Internet-Draft actions were taken during the month
        of August, 1995:

                 (Revised draft (o), New Draft (+) )

      (dnssec)   o  Domain Name System Security Extensions
      (avt)      o  RTP Payload Format of CellB Video Encoding
      (smtpext)  o  SMTP Service Extension for 8bit-MIMEtransport
      (smtpext)  o  SMTP Service Extensions
      (mailext)  o  SMTP 521 reply code
      (notary)   o  The Multipart/Report Content Type for the Reporting
                    of Mail System Administrative Messages
      (mailext)  o  SMTP Service Extension for Checkpoint/Restart
      (mailext)  o  SMTP Service Extension for Command Pipelining
      (ipatm)    o  Support for Multicast over UNI 3.1 based ATM
                    Networks. <draft-ietf-ipatm-ipmc-06.txt>
      (aft)      o  SOCKS Protocol Version 5

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Internet Monthly Report                                      August 1995

      (html)     o  Form-based File Upload in HTML
      (dnssec)   o  Mapping Autonomous Systems Number into the Domain
                    Name System <draft-ietf-dnssec-as-map-02.txt>
      (ipngwg)   o  An IPv6 Provider-Based Unicast Address Format
      (dnsind)   o  Incremental Zone Transfer in DNS
      (dnsind)   o  Notify: a mechanism for prompt notification of
                    authority zone changes
      (html)     o  A Proposed Extension to HTML : Client-Side Image
                    Maps <draft-ietf-html-clientsideimagemap-01.txt>
      (dnsind)   o  Dynamic Updates in the Domain Name System (DNS)
      (http)     o  Hypertext Transfer Protocol -- HTTP/1.0
                    <draft-ietf-http-v10-spec-02.txt, .ps>
      (idr)      o  A BGP/IDRP Route Server alternative to a full mesh
                    routing <draft-haskin-bgp-idrp-mesh-routing-01.txt>
      (822ext)   o  Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME) Part
                    Five: Conformance Criteria and Examples
      (smtpext)  o  SMTP Service Extension for Message Size Declaration
      (idr)      o  Destination Preference Attribute for BGP
      (822ext)   o  Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME) Part
                    Four: Registration Procedures
      (none)     o  Post Office Protocol - Version 3
      (run)      o  Netiquette Guidelines
      (none)     o  Common DNS Operational and Configuration Errors
      (cidrd)    o  An Appeal to the Internet Community to Return Unused
                    IP Networks(Prefixes) to the IANA
      (pppext)   o  The PPP DES Encryption Protocol (DESE)
      (none)     o  A One-Time Password System <draft-haller-otp-02.txt>
      (mixer)    o  MIXER (Mime Internet X.400 Enhanced Relay): Mapping
                    between X.400 and RFC 822/MIME
      (html)     o  Hypertext Markup Language - 2.0
      (none)     +  Protocol Operations for Version 2 of the Simple

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Internet Monthly Report                                      August 1995

                    Network Management Protocol (SNMPv2)
      (none)     o  User-based Security Model for Version 2 of the
                    Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMPv2)
      (mixer)    o  Equivalences between 1988 X.400 and RFC-822 Message
                    Bodies <draft-ietf-mixer-bodymap-01.txt>
      (cidrd)    o  Address Allocation for Private Internets
      (none)     +  Document Classification Descriptors
      (none)     +  Security Encapsulation of SNMP
      (snmpv2)   +  SNMPv2t Simple Network Management Protocol Version
                    2 with Transitional Authentication
                    V.3) <draft-cain-igmp-00.txt>
      (none)     +  Extensible Message Framework for the Simple Network
                    Management Protocol (SNMPemf)
      (none)     +  Session Identity Notification Protocol (SINP)
      (none)     +  Managed Objects for the Configuration of SNMPv2
                    Agents Implementing the User-based Security Model
      (none)     +  A Decoupled Approach to SNMPv2 and Its Features
                    (SNMPv2d) <draft-mahoney-snmpv2-features-00.txt>
      (none)     +  Protocol Operations for Version 2 of the Simple
                    Network Management Protocol (SNMPv2)
      (none)     +  Data Filter MIB for Version 2 of the Simple Network
                    Management Protocol (SNMPv2)
      (none)     +  Access Control MIB for Version 2 of the Simple
                    Network Management Protocol (SNMPv2)
      (none)     +  SNMPv2a Simple Authentication/Integrity for
                    Community-based SNMP messages
      (ipngwg)   +  A Method for the Transmission of IPv6 Packets over
                    Ethernet Networks
      (asid)     +  Definition of X.500 Attribute Types and a Object
                    Class to Hold public PGP keys.
      (html)     +  Internationalization of the Hypertext Markup
                    Language <draft-ietf-html-i18n-00.txt>

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Internet Monthly Report                                      August 1995

      (iab)      +  Renumbering considered unavoidable
      (ipngwg)   +  A Method for the Transmission of IPv6 Packets over
                    FDDI Networks <draft-ietf-ipngwg-fddi-ntwrks-00.txt>
      (none)     +  Towards Definition of a Management Information Base
                    for Multimedia Resources
                    <draft-gbaguidi-multimedia-mib-00.txt, .ps>
      (none)     +  Chinese Character Encoding for Internet Messages
      (none)     +  Chinese Character Encoding for Internet Messages
      (uri)      +  A Critique of Existing URN Proposals
      (none)     +  The Myth of Topological Hierarchy: Comments on
      (ipngwg)   +  OSI NSAPs and IPv6
      (none)     +  Proposed HTTP State-Info Mechanism
                    <draft-kristol-http-state-info-00.txt, .ps>
      (idmr)     +  Internet Group Management Protocol, Version 2
      (rip)      +  Triggered Extensions to RIP to Support Demand
                    Circuits <draft-ietf-rip-trigger-rip-00.txt>
      (ipatm)    +  IPv6 and Neighbour Discovery over ATM
      (ipngwg)   +  IPv6 Testing Address Allocation

     7. There were 27 RFC's published during the month of August, 1995:

        RFC     St   WG        Title
        ------- --  --------   -------------------------------------

        RFC1815 I   (none)     Character Sets ISO-10646 and
        RFC1816 I   (none)     U.S. Government Internet Domain Names
        RFC1817 I   (none)     CIDR and Classful Routing
        RFC1818 B   (none)     Best Current Practices
        RFC1819 E   (st2)      Internet Stream Protocol Version 2 (ST2)
                               Protocol Specification - Version ST2+
        RFC1820 I   (mailext)  Multimedia E-mail(MIME)User Agent Checklist
        RFC1821 I   (none)     Integration of Real-time Services in an
                               IP-ATM Network Architecture
        RFC1822 I   (none)     A Grant of Rights to Use a Specific IBM
                               patent with Photuris
        RFC1823 I   (none)     The LDAP Application Program Interface

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Internet Monthly Report                                      August 1995

        RFC1824 I   (none)     The Exponential Security System TESS: An
                               Identity-Based Cryptographic Protocol for
                               Authenticated Key-Exchange
                               (E.I.S.S.-Report 1995/4)
        RFC1825 PS  (ipsec)    Security Architecture for the Internet
        RFC1826 PS  (ipsec)    IP Authentication Header
        RFC1827 PS  (ipsec)    IP Encapsulating Security Payload (ESP)
        RFC1828 PS  (ipsec)    IP Authentication using Keyed MD5
        RFC1829 PS  (ipsec)    The ESP DES-CBC Transform
        RFC1830 E   (mailext)  SMTP Service Extensions for Transmission
                               of Large and Binary MIME Messages
        RFC1831 PS  (oncrpc)   RPC: Remote Procedure Call Protocol
                               Specification Version 2
        RFC1832 PS  (oncrpc)   XDR: External Data Representation
        RFC1833 PS  (oncrpc)   Binding Protocols for ONC RPC Version 2
        RFC1834 I   (wnils)    Whois and Network Information Lookup
                               Service Whois++
        RFC1835 PS  (wnils)    Architecture of the WHOIS++ service
        RFC1836 E   (mhsds)    Representing the O/R Address hierarchy
                               in the X.500 Directory Information Tree
        RFC1837 E   (mhsds)    Representing Tables and Subtrees in the
                               X.500 Directory
        RFC1838 E   (mhsds)    Use of the X.500 Directory to support
                               mapping between X.400 and RFC 822
        RFC1842 I   (none)     ASCII Printable Characters-Based Chinese
                               Character Encoding for Internet Messages
        RFC1843 I   (none)     HZ - A Data Format for Exchanging Files
                               of Arbitrarily Mixed Chinese and ASCII
        RFC1844 I   (mailext)  Multimedia E-mail(MIME) User Agent

     St(atus):  ( S) Internet Standard
                (PS) Proposed Standard
                (DS) Draft Standard
                ( B) Best Current Practice
                ( E) Experimental
                ( I) Informational

     Steve Coya (scoya@nri.reston.va.us)

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Internet Monthly Report                                      August 1995




     I.  Significant Events

     InterNIC Registration Services assigned over 12,619 network
     addresses and registered over 19,657 domains.  There were two (2)
     top-level country domains registered during August: Virgin Islands
     (US), and San Marino (Republic of).

     The suit that Knowledgenet had filed against Network Solutions and
     David L. Boone over the knowledgenet.com domain has been dismissed.
     David Boone has relinquished the domain name to Knowledgenet, Inc.

     During the month of August, domain requests are averaging between
     1,000- 1,500+ for new submissions per day. Adjustments continue to
     be made in domain processing.  Additional, staffing is being
     acquired to accommodate the growth in registration requests. At the
     close of August 1995, the domain processing queue had decreased
     from 15,000+ to 7,000+ new domain registrations.

     II.  Current Status

     During the month of August 1995, InterNIC Registration Services
     received communications as shown below.  The majority of the
     correspondence concerned the assignment and re-assignment of
     network numbers and the registration or change of domain names.

          E-mail     49,286    (hostmaster@internic.net)
          Postal/Fax    248    (primarily IP number requests)
          Phone       7,150

     The Registrations Services host computer supported a large volume
     of information retrieval requests during the month of June.

                     Connections   Retrievals
          Gopher      31,843          28,599
          WAIS        61,598          50,744
          FTP         40,249         115,412
          Mailserv     3,335
          Telnet      87,161
          Http       496,128

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Internet Monthly Report                                      August 1995

     In addition, for WHOIS the number of queries were:

                       Client        Server
                      552,058     2,087,334

     Debbie Fuller  <Debbief@internic.net>


          As a result of a shifting of resources, some of the mailing lists
          handled by Directory and Database Services will be moving to
          Registration Services.  These lists include the Scout Report lists
          maintained by Susan Calcari and the net-happenings lists
          maintained by Gleason Sackman.

          The list maintainers will remain the same, but the "home machines"
          of the lists are moving.  As of the end of August, scout-report
          and scout-report-html have been moved.  The net-happenings lists
          will move in early September.

          Current subscribers of the lists will be moved automatically, but
          new subscriptions and changes to current subscriptions will need
          to be sent to the new machine.

          A reminder - if you would like to help the Internet community find
          a resource that you offer, send mail to admin@ds.internic.net and
          we will send information about listing your resource in the
          Directory of Directories.  If you prefer, you can enter
          information about your resource in our WWW suggestion form.  The
          form can be reached through our Directory of Directories Web page


      Rick Huber <rvh@ds.internic.net>

Cooper                                                         [Page 11]
Internet Monthly Report                                      August 1995


     The US Domain has a Web page.  A few areas are still under
     construction.  For a sneak preview, check out:


     EMAIL/FAX               900
     PHONE                   500
     Total Contacts         1400

     DELEGATIONS              31
     Total                  1400

     OTHER US DOMAIN MESSAGES INCLUDE: referrals to other subdomains or
     to/from the InterNic, phone calls, modifications, application
     requests, discussion and clarification of the requests, questions
     about names, resolving technical problems with zone files and name
     servers, and whois listings.

     To obtain a copy of the list of other delegated localities and
     subdomains not administered by the US Domain Registrar, get the
     file "us-domain-delegated.txt" below.

        URL: ftp://ftp.isi.edu/in-notes/us-domain-delegated.txt

                        MAJOR SUBDOMAINS DELEGATED

     K12     CC      TEC     STATE   LIB     MUS     GEN     DST     COG
     48      33      31      46      34      22      21      8       1

Cooper                                                         [Page 12]
Internet Monthly Report                                      August 1995



     CLAREMONT.CA.US                 RACINE.WI.US
     DFW.TX.US                       FORT-WORTH.TX.US
     MCLEAN.VA.US                    SHALLOTTE.NC.US
     CELINA.OH.US                    POWELL.OH.US
     ROSEVILLE.MN.US                 ROUND-ROCK.TX.US
     ACTON.CA.US                     LAKE-HUGHES.CA.US
     LAKE-LA.CA.US                   KENNEWICK.WA.US
     MONTGOMERY.AL.US                KENOSHA.WI.US
     WYOMING.OH.US                   VERO-BEACH.FL.US
     CHARMECK.NC.US                  PALMDALE.CA.US


     MTC.DST.CA.US                   CI.SAN-CARLOS.CA.US
     CI.OXFORD.MS.US                 ITALYEMB.NW.DC.US
     CI.MALIBU.CA.US                 CI.SALISBURY.NC.US
     CI.GREENBAY.WI.US               CO.YAKIMA.WA.US
     FSPL.LIB.AR.US                  CO.DANE.WI.US
     PITTSBURGH.PA.US                CO.SLO.CA.US

Cooper                                                         [Page 13]
Internet Monthly Report                                      August 1995

     NFA.K12.CT.US                   SUFFIELD.PVT.K12.CT.US
     ULGT.SLC.UT.US                  INFO.CI.FTLAUD.FL.US

     For more information about the US Domain, send a message to:
     US-DOMAIN@ISI.EDU, or select one of the URLs below.

        URL: ftp://ftp.isi.edu/in-notes/us-domain-questionnaire.txt
        URL: ftp://ftp.isi.edu/in-notes/us-domain-blurb.txt

     Ann Cooper (Cooper@ISI.EDU)


     This report summarizes recent activities of Merit's Internet
     Engineering group on behalf of the Routing Arbiter (RA) Project.

     Jake Khuon and Andy Adams have implemented a new tool that is being
     used to automatically configure the Route Servers at the Sprint and
     AADS NAPs.  Once the tool is fully deployed, Route Server
     configurations at all five interconnection points will be
     automatically refreshed every four hours.

     The RA service is now peering with the vBNS at the Washington, D.C.
     and Sprint NAPs.  More organizations established peering sessions
     with the Route Servers in August:  Advantis, US Cyber, and CAIS
     (Capital Area Internet Service) at the Washington, D.C. NAP, and
     Argonne at the AADS NAP.  A complete list of BGP peering sessions
     is available from:


     For an overview of services provided by the Route Servers, see:


     The RA project has improved the security procedures available for
     registering in the Routing Arbiter Database.  You can now
     authenticate your submissions with a digital signature using the
     publicly available PGP package.  The staff is working on developing
     key registration procedures.  For more information, send e-mail to

     In cooperation with staff from the CA*net Routing Registry, Merit
     has removed approximately 3,000 duplicate routes from the RADB.

Cooper                                                         [Page 14]
Internet Monthly Report                                      August 1995

     These routes are now only present in the CA*net registry.  This is
     a continuing effort to eliminate duplicate data from the databases
     that make up the Internet Routing Registry.

     Approximately 4,000 other objects in the Routing Arbiter Database,
     primarily Route objects, were translated from entries in the Policy
     Routing Database and contained no contact information for the
     "owner" of the AS originating the route.  For each of the
     approximately 360 different Autonomous Systems referenced in these
     objects, a Maintainer object needed to be created to provide for
     database consistency and to allow the user community to maintain
     the objects.  Brian Renaud has been working with users to create
     the needed Maintainer objects; 90 have been added to the registry,
     and more are being added every day.

     To begin the process of populating the Maintainers, Steve
     Richardson wrote a program that queried the InterNIC database to
     determine the contacts for each AS and construct a proposed
     Maintainer object.  E-mail was then sent to each contact person
     asking whether they wanted the RADB staff to enter the proposed
     object into the RADB, or specify a different (already existing)
     Maintainer object, or delete the object.  Depending on the
     response, Renaud then worked on a case-by-case basis to create the
     desired objects.  The process involved providing tutorials on the
     RADB and Internet Routing Registry (IRR), explaining and checking
     the syntax of submitted Maintainer objects, making changes to
     referenced Route objects, finding ways to ensure consistency among
     registries in the IRR, and creating reports comparing registrations
     for a particular Autonomous System in the IRR, so that users could
     remove duplicate entries.

     A new Routing Arbiter Database FAQ provides details on registering
     in the RADB, what to do when switching providers, RADB/Internet
     Routing Registry update schedules, and many other topics.  You'll
     find the FAQ at:


     Susan R. Harris (srh@merit.edu)


     Hardman and others demonstrated the UCL Mbone audio tool which
     features a novel audio encoding which is loss tolerant. This is
     onging work, but will eventually be made publically available with
     other mbone tools being developed at UCL (a shared text editor, our
     version of the session tool, and an email list distribution tool).

Cooper                                                         [Page 15]
Internet Monthly Report                                      August 1995

     Crowcroft & Handley attended SIGCOMM 95. Handley presented the UCL
     work on the Conference Control Channel Protocol. Neither expressed
     opinions in the outrageous opinion session.

     Dave Mills arrived at UCL for a stay to include some work on
     synchronised of clocks in high speed network monitoring equipment,
     amongst other things.

     John Crowcroft (j.crowcroft@CS.UCL.AC.UK)

Cooper                                                         [Page 16]
Internet Monthly Report                                      August 1995


Last update 9/11/95

The information below has been submitted to the IETF Secretariat
as a means of notifying readers of future events. Readers are
requested to send in dates of events that are appropriate for this
calendar section. Please send submissions, corrections, etc., to:


Please note: The Secretariat does not maintain on-line information
for the events listed below.

FYI - New Dates for ULPAA in 1995, was Dec. 4-8, 1995 NOW Dec. 11-15, 1995

    - The 4th Intntl Conf. on Telecom Systems, Modelling and Analysis
      originally scheduled for March 14-17, 1996 has been moved to
      March 21-24, 1996. Nashville, TN.

A copy of this calendar is available as follows:

IETF Information is available by anonymous FTP from several sites.

        US East Coast Address:  ds.internic.net (
        US West Coast Address:  ftp.isi.edu (
        Europe Address:  nic.nordu.net (
        Pacific Rim Address:  munnari.oz.au (
        Africa Address:       ftp.is.co.za (

cd ietf
ls *0mtg*


Available on the Gopher Server running on IETF.CNRI.RESTON.VA.US
( under "Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) / IETF
Meetings / Scheduling Calendar".

<http://www.ietf.cnri.reston.va.us/home.html> Click on the link
for "meetings" and you should find an entry "listing of other Internet
related events".

Cooper                                                         [Page 17]
Internet Monthly Report                                      August 1995


Sep. 12-14        IEEE 802.10 Interim Meeting     Linthicum, MD
Sep. 18-22        Ninth Systems Admin Conf (LISA) Monterey, CA
Sep. 18-22        Forum of Incident Handling &
                   Security Teams (First)         Karlsruhe, Germany
Sep. 20-23        IC3N'95 - 4th Intntl Conf. on
                   Comp. Commun. & Networks       Las Vegas, NV
Sep. 25-29        7th SDL Forum                   Oslo, Sweden
FALL 1995         Seybold Europe
Sep. 4-6          8th IFIP WG6.1 Intntl Wkshp on
                   Protocol Test Systems          Every, France
Sep. 4-7          APPC/APPN Tech. Conf. (AATC)    London, England
Sep. 11-15        6th IFIP High Performance
                   Networking, HPN'95             Palma de Mallorca, Spain
Sep. 11-15        OIW (Firm)
Sep. 18-22        7th Annual Comp. Security
                   Incident Handling Workshop     Karlsruhe, Germany
Sep. 20-23        4th Intntl Conf. Computer
                   Commun. & Networks (IC3N'95)   Las Vegas, NV
Sep. 25-29        NetWorld+Interop                Atlanta, GA
Sep. 26-29        Seybold San Francisco           San Francisco, CA
Oct. 1-6          ATM Forum                       Honolulu, HI
Oct. 2-6          ANSI X3T11                      Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Oct. 3-11         Telecom '95                     Geneva, Switzerland
Oct. 9-12         PROMS '95                       Salzburg, Austria
Oct. 10-11        ANSI X3T11
Oct. 11-13        Intntl Symp. on Multimedia
                   Comm. & Video Coding           New York City, NY
Oct. 15-18        20th Conf. on Local Computer
                   Netwks (sponsored by IEEE)     Minneapolis, MN
Oct. 16-19        APPC/APPN Tech. Conf. (AATC)    Sydney, AU
Oct. 17-20        IFIP WG6.1 FORTE '95            Montreal, Quebec
Oct. 30-31        6th MD Workshp on Very High
                   Speed Networks                 Baltimore, MD
Oct. 31-Nov. 2    APPN Implementers Wkshp (AIW)   RTP, NC
Nov. 3            CPI-C Implementers Wkshp (CIW)  RTP, NC
Nov. 5-9          ACM Multimedia '95              San Francisco, CA
Nov. 6-9          IEEE 802 Plenary (Firm)         Montreal, Quebec
Nov. 6-10         NetWorld+Interop                Paris, France
Nov. 7-9          OPENNET '95                     Goettingen, Germany
Nov. 7-10         ICNP '95                        Tokyo, Japan
Nov. 8            Membermtg/GIGI e.V.
                   German Internet User Group     Goettingen, Germany
Nov. 13-17        GLOBECOM '95                    Singapore
Nov. 14-16        NORDUnet'95 Conf.               Copenhagen, Denmark

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Internet Monthly Report                                      August 1995

Nov. 27-29        European IT Conf. (IETC'95)     Brussels, Belgium
Nov. 27-Dec. 1    Email World (Definite)          Boston, MA
Nov. 27-Dec. 1    Windows Solutions Germany       Frankfurt, Germany
Dec. 3-6          ACM SIGOPS
Dec. 4-8          OIW (Firm)
Dec. 4-8          34th IETF (Firm)                Dallas, TX
Dec. 4-8          ANSI X3T11 (Possible)           San Diego, CA
Dec. 4-8          Supercomputing '95 (Firm)       San Diego, CA
Dec. 4-8          Windows Solutions Tokyo         Tokyo, Japan
Dec. 4-8          X/Open Security
Dec. 10-15        ATM Forum                       London, UK
Dec. 11-12        2nd Intntl. Wkshp on High Perf.
                   Protocol Arch. HIPPARCH'95     Sydney, AU
Dec. 11-15        11th Comp. Sec. Applications    New Orleans, LO
Dec. 11-15        1995 IFIP Intntl. Working Conf. Sydney, AU
Dec. 11-15        ULPAA (upper layers)            Sydney, AU

Jan. 22-26        USENIX 1996 Tech. Conference    San Diego, CA
Jan. 23-25        IEEE 802.10 Interim Meeting     Salt Lake City, UT
Jan. 29-31        Multimedia Computing & Netwkg   San Jose, CA
Feb. 5-9          ANSI X3T11
Feb. 5-9          ATM Forum                       Los Angeles, CA
Feb. 19-21        EMail World & Internet Expo     San Jose, CA
Feb. 19-23        Intntl Zurich Sem. on Digital
                   Communications                 Zurich, Switzerland
Feb. 22-23        Internet Society Symp on Ntwk
                   & Distributed System Security  San Diego, CA
Feb. 27-Mar. 1    ICDP '96-IFIP/IEEE Intntl Conf.
                   on Distributed Platforms       Dresden, Germany
Mar. 4-8          35th IETF - CONFIRMED           Los Angeles, CA
Mar. 11-14        UniForum                        San Francisco, CA
Mar. 18-22        OIW (Firm)
Mar. 21-24        4th Intntl Conf. on Telecom Syst.
                   Modeling & Analysis            Nashville, TN
Apr. 3-4          Interop & NetWorld              Las Vegas, NV
Apr. 8-13         ANSI X3T11 (Tentative)          Irvine, CA
Apr. 11-12        2nd ACM/SIGRAPH Conf. on
                   Assistive Tech. ASSETS'96      Vancouver, Canada
Apr. 15-19        ANSI X3T11 (Tentative)          Irvine, CA
Apr. 14-19        ATM Forum (Tentative)
May 13-16         7th Joint European Ntwk Conf.   Budapest, Hungary
May 13-29         ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 21
                   WGs and Plenary (Firm)         Kansas City, MO
Jun.  9-14        ATM Forum (Tentative)
Jun. 10-14        OIW (Firm)

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Internet Monthly Report                                      August 1995

Jun. 10-14        ANSI X3T11
Jun. 11-13        EMail World & Internet Expo     Chicago, IL
Jun. 23-27        1st Intntl IEEE Wkshp on
                   Enterprise Ntwkg - w/ICC
                   SUPERCOM'96                    Dallas, TX
Jun. 24-27        ICC '96/SUPERCOMM'96            Dallas, TX
Jun. 24-28        36th IETF (Under Consideration)
Jul. 8-12         36th IETF (Under Consideration)
Jul. 22-26        36th IETF (Under Consideration)
Jul. 29-Aug. 2    36th IETF (Under Consideration)
Aug. 5-9          ANSI X3T11
Aug. 18-23        ATM Forum (Tentative)
FALL              NSC'96 - Network Services Conf. Bled, Slovenia
Sep. 2-6          14th IFIP Conf.                 Canberra, AU
Sep. 9-13         OIW (Firm)
Sep. 10-12        EMail World & Internet Expo     Boston, MA
Sep. 24-27        IFIP WG6.1 w/FORTE/PSTV (Under Consideration)
Oct. 1-3          Email World & Internet Expo     Toronto, Ontario, CA
Oct. 7-11         ANSI X3T11                      St. Petersburg Bch, FL
Oct. 6-11         ATM Forum (Tentative)
Nov. 11-15        37th IETF (Under Consideration)
Nov. 18-22        37th IETF (Under Consideration)
Nov. 18-22        Supercomputing '96 (Firm)       Pittsburgh, PA
Nov. 27-29        NetWorld+Interop                Sydney, AU
Dec. 2-6          ANSI X3T11
Dec. 1-6          ATM Forum (Tentative)
Dec. 9-13         OIW (Firm)

Mar. 10-13        UniForum                        San Francisco, CA
Mar. 10-14        OIW (Firm)
Apr. 6-11         38th IETF (Under Consideration)
Jun. 8-12         ICC '97                         Montreal
Jun. 9-13         OIW (Firm)
Sep. 8-12         OIW (Firm)
Dec. 8-12         OIW (Firm)

Aug. 23-29        15th IFIP World. Com. Conf.     Vienna, Austria and
                                                   Budapest, Hungary

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Internet Monthly Report                                      August 1995

Ref. TSec(95)001                                      September 1995

This list of meetings is provided for information. Many of the
meetings are closed or by invitation; if in doubt, please contact the
chair of the meeting or the TERENA Secretariat. If you have
additions/corrections/comments, please mail <secretariat@terena.nl>.


MEETING/DATE                    LOCATION
============                    ========

TERENA Executive Committee
15 September                    Amsterdam

TERENA Technical Committee
18 September                    Amsterdam

TERENA General Assembly
19-20 October                   Rome

16-17 May 1996                  Budapest

TERENA Working Groups
(with DANTE MAILFlow and EEMA ICE)
23-24 October                   Utrecht

TERENA - Other
1 September                     Amsterdam


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Internet Monthly Report                                      August 1995


11 September                    Paris

22 September                    Cambridge

ECCO (Ebone Consortium of Contributing Organisations)
12 September                    Paris

EMC (Ebone Management Committee)
28 November                     Amsterdam

11-13 October                   Amsterdam
April/May 1996                  Berlin

16-18 November                  Budapest

4-8 December                    Dallas, Texas, USA

Technical Assembly
19/20 September                 Brussels
12/13 December                     "

23-26 October                   Brussels
15-19 January 1996                 "

Cooper                                                         [Page 22]
Internet Monthly Report                                      August 1995

25-29 March 1996                   "
24-28 June 1996                    "
21-25 October 1996                 "

GA22 5-6 December               Nice, France
GA23 18-19 April, 1996            "
GA24 10-11 December, 1996         "

TA23 7-9 November                 "
TA24 15-17 April, 1996            "
TA25 23-25 October, 1996          "

Committee Meeting
11-15 September                 Paris

Regional Conference
29 November - 1 December        Malta



JENC7 - 7th Joint European Networking Conference
13-16 May 1996
Hungarian Academy of Sciences, in Budapest, Hungary


Subject areas are:
-User Support and Education
-Policy, Economic and Societal Issues
-Network Engineering
-Network Technology
-Application Technology
-Infrastructure Developments
-Networking Services

Papers to be submitted by 19 November 1995

Cooper                                                         [Page 23]
Internet Monthly Report                                      August 1995

For information, email <jenc7-sec@terena.nl>
WWW access address is: http://www.terena.nl/terena/jenc7

NSC'96 - Network Services Conference 1996
Autumn 1996,
Convention Centre, Bled, Slovenia

For information, email <nsc96-sec@terena.nl>
WWW access address is: http://www.terena.nl/terena/nsc96/



nb. For some of the following events, full text information may be
available from the TERENA Document Store under the directory calendar,
in which case the file name is specified under the information
presented below. The files may be retrieved via:

anonymous FTP:   ftp.terena.nl
Email:           server@terena.nl
Gopher:          gopher.terena.nl
World Wide Web:  http://www.terena.nl/terena/information/calendar/

NANOG - North American Network Operators Group
11-12 September
hosted by the Pittsburgh Super Computer Center,
Pittsburgh, Penn., USA
For information contact: www.merit.edu
or call +1 313 936 26 56

95 FIRST Conference/Workshop
The Forum of Incident Handling and Security Teams (FIRST)
will hold its annual conference from:

Cooper                                                         [Page 24]
Internet Monthly Report                                      August 1995

18-22 September
University of Karlsruhe, Karlsruhe, Germany
For information contact:
<first95@rz.uni-karlsruhe.de>   or fax no: +49 721 32 550

- The 3rd European Meeting of new and existing Incident Response
  Teams and other parties will be held on the premises of the
  95 FIRST Conference (see above) on 18 September.
  For participation contact Klaus-Peter Kossakowski <kpk@cert.dfn.de>

20-21 September
Graz, Austria
on professional communication and multimedia application in
relation to security aspects.
Deadline paper submission 28 February to
For further information contact Dr. Peter Lipp at:
tel: +43 316 82 65 88 13.     fax:+43 316 85 0144

20-23 September
Las Vegas, Nevada, USA
Call for Papers information: <ic3n@cacs.usl.edu> or
URL: http://www.nscee.edu/~eugene/ic3n/.
Paper submission deadline is 17 March.
For conference information: <ic3n@cacs.usl.edu>
or WWW home page. URL is http://www.nscee.edu/~eugene/ic3n/.

6-8 October
Academy of Fine Arts, Budapest, Hungary
Organized by the Media Research Foundation and the Intermedia
Department of the Hungarian Fine Arts Academy.
This conference will provide an opportunity to examine the nature of
networking, as well as place networking within a historical context,
and discuss its future potential. For information:

Cooper                                                         [Page 25]
Internet Monthly Report                                      August 1995

WWW address: http://szocio.tgi.bme.hu/metaform
email address:  <intermed@ind.eunet.hu>
<dia@szocio.tgi.bme.hu> <meta4um@desk.nl>

9-12 October
Salzburg University, Salzburg, Austria
Second workshop on Protocols for Multimedia Systems
"Mozart on Multimedia Highways"
Call for Papers
to be submitted by 20 August. To:
email  <proms-submission@cosy.sbg.ac.at>
ftp    ftp.cosy.sbg.ac.at /pub/proms
For further information also contact: http://www.cosy.sbg.ac.at/proms

4 November
IEE Savoy Place, London, U.K.
Papers to be submitted by 4 August to:
Dr. R.B. Johnson, Dept. of Electrical & Electronic Engineering, Bristol
email  <r.b.johnson@bristol.ac.uk>
Dr. t. Tan, Faculty of Science, Dept. of Computer Science, University
of Reading - email <t.tan@rdg.ac.uk>   or   <k.d.baker@rdg.ac.uk>

7-9 November
Goettingen, Germany
For information email <konferenz@digi.de> or <schweiger@multinet.de>

NORDUnet'95 Conference
14-16 November
Sheraton Copenhagen Hotel, Copenhagen, Denmark
Organized by UNI-C, this 15th annual conference will provide a
forum for universities, industry and public organizations.
For information email  <Niels.E.Raun@uni-c.dk> or
tel: +45 35 82 83 55    fax: +45 31 83 79 49

Cooper                                                         [Page 26]
Internet Monthly Report                                      August 1995

European IT Conference (IETC'95)
27-29 November
Palais des Congres, Brussels, Belgium
Organized by the European Commission, DGIII, the theme of this conference
is "Managing Change" and will focus on the challenges to individuals,
enterprises and the public secton in contributing and adapting to the
Information Society.
For information contact EITC'95 on Internet:
or fax: +32 2 296 99 30

Fourth International World Wide Web Conference
"The Web Revolution"
11-14 December
Cambridge, Boston. Massachusetts, USA
Organized by MIT-Laboratory for Computer Science and OSF-Research Institute.
The aim of this conference is to bring together researchers, developers,
and users working with the World Wide Web.
For further information:
email <www4-help@w3.org>
tel: +1 617 253 4087       fax: +1 617 258 5090

1995 IFIP International Working Conference
on User Layer Protocols, Architectures and Applications (ULPAA)
11-15 December
Sydney, Australia
Deadline for submission of papers by 15 May
For further info-> http:/www.ee.uts.edu.au/ifip/ULPAA95.html

29-31 January 1996
San Jose, California
This conference is part of the IS&T/SPIE 1996 International Symposium
on Electronic Imaging to be held 28 Jan. - 2 Feb.1996
Deadline of paper submission 10 July - electronic versions to:
For up-to-date information about MMCN96 access web page at:

Cooper                                                         [Page 27]
Internet Monthly Report                                      August 1995

Broadband Communiations: Networks, Services, Applications,
Future Directions
19-23 February 1996
Swiss Institute of Technology (ETH), Zurich, Switzerland
Deadline for submission of papers is 15 May 1995
For further information, email Prof. Dr. Bernhard Plattner
<izs96-pc-chair@tik.ethz.ch>, fax.+41 1 632 1035
Call for Papers on TERENA Document Server under
rare/information/calendar.  The file is called izs96-cfp.txt.

ASSETS'96 - The 2nd ACM/SIGCAPH Conference on Assistive Technologies
(sponsored by ACM's Special Interest Group on Computers and the
Physically Handicapped)
11-12 April 1996
Vancouver Renaissance Hotel, Vancouver, Canada
The conference scope spans disability and special needs of all kinds,
including but not limited to: sensory; motor; cognitive; and emotional.
Submission of papers (17 October) and further info. contact:
David L. Jaffe, Program Chair  <jaffe@roses.stanford.edu>   or
Ephraim P. Glinert, General Chair  <glinert@cs.rpi.edu>

EEMA '96 Conference
(European Electronic Messaging Association)
11-14 June 1996
Les Pyramides/Sheraton Hotel & Towers, Brussels, Belgium.
Working to shape the future of global messaging, this will be a
user-driven conference, created for the business user.
For information contact: <eemaoffice@attmail.com>
or tel: +44 1386 793 028         fax: +44 1386 793 268


                        updated 01.09.1995


Madeleine Oberholzer

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Internet Monthly Report                                      August 1995

TERENA Secretary

TERENA Secretariat
Singel 466 - 468
Voice   : + 31 20 639 11 31
Fax     : + 31 20 639 32 89
Email   : secretariat@terena.nl  (for all general matters)

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